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Can I Get Married as Soon as My Divorce is Finalized?

 Posted on March 20, 2025 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be an emotionally taxing process, but for some, it is also a chance for a fresh start. Whether you are sure you are ready to remarry a new partner or are considering reconciling with your former spouse, you may be wondering: Can you get married immediately after your divorce is finalized? Our Illinois family law attorney explains.

Is There a Waiting Period for Remarriage in Illinois?

Unlike some states that have a waiting period before a divorced person can remarry, Illinois has no such restriction. Once the judge signs your final divorce decree and the court enters the judgment, you are legally free to marry again. However, while the law may allow for a quick remarriage, there are personal and practical considerations to keep in mind.

Should You Remarry Right After Divorce?

While there may be nothing stopping you legally, rushing into a new marriage immediately after divorce can have both benefits and risks.

Potential Benefits of Remarrying Quickly

  • Emotional security: Some people find comfort and stability in marriage, and if you have found a supportive new partner, remarriage might feel like a natural next step.
  • Family considerations: If you share children with your ex-spouse, remarriage may provide a structured family environment, whether you are marrying someone new or reconciling with your former spouse.
  • Legal and financial benefits: Depending on your circumstances, marriage can bring advantages such as shared health insurance, tax benefits, and inheritance rights.

Risks of Remarrying Too Soon

  • Emotional baggage: Divorce can leave unresolved feelings, and diving into a new marriage without healing from the past may lead to similar problems.
  • Financial complications: If your divorce involves spousal support or property division agreements, remarriage can affect your financial obligations. Some types of alimony may end if you remarry.
  • Legal challenges: If you are planning to remarry your ex-spouse, certain legal matters — such as property division or spousal support (alimony) — may not automatically go back to their pre-divorce state. It is essential to address these details before tying the knot again.

What If You Want to Remarry Your Ex-Spouse?

It is not uncommon for divorced couples to rekindle their relationship and decide to remarry. However, getting back together does not erase the terms of your previous divorce. Any property agreements, custody arrangements, or spousal support obligations will remain in effect unless you take legal steps to modify them. If you and your former spouse are considering remarriage, consulting a family law attorney can help you understand your rights and responsibilities.

Talk to a Wheaton, IL Family Law Attorney Today

Whether you are planning to remarry a new partner or reconcile with your ex-spouse, understanding the legal and financial implications is crucial. At Hensley Sendek Law, our DuPage County divorce attorneys can provide guidance tailored to your unique situation. Call 630-358-9029 today to schedule a free consultation and ensure your next marriage starts on solid legal ground.

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